Article archive

10/13/2010 09:48

Matthew (Part 40) - Concluding the Great Commission

Understanding the Great Commission is important in understanding the link to and basis for the book of Acts and so that we may embrace it properly as well for our lives. Postmillennialists (PMs) understand the commission to directly inform their eschatological outlook. PMs insist that the logic of...


10/13/2010 09:47

Acts (Part 01) - Volume 2

The Old Testament focuses on God the Father. The Gospels focus on God the Son. Acts focuses on God the Spirit. Jesus had told his disciples while he was with them that after he was gone they would receive the Holy Spirit. In a post resurrection appearance (the evening of that first day), he...


10/06/2010 11:12

Matthew (Part 39) - The Great Commission

We will return to Matthew 27 briefly to discuss the miracles that occurred immediately at the death of Christ. Verses 51 through 53 tell us that the veil in the temple marking the entrance to the Holy of Holies was torn from top to bottom. An earthquake violently shook the area to the extent that...


09/28/2010 11:23

Matthew (Part 38) - Crucifixion

Tacitus mentions Pilate as being procurator over Judea. A procurator is a financial administrator. Because of his expanded judicial power and some archaeological found in Rome, most historians now believe Pilate to have been a prefect. After Herod the Great died in 4 BC, his Palestinian kingdom...


09/22/2010 09:13

Matthew (Part 37) - Then All the Disciples Left Him and Fled

Jesus is leaving the house of their Last Supper (Passover) and Lord’s Supper (New Covenant Communion) as he mentions to the eleven that they would all fall away that very night. Peter, in typical bold self-confidence, argues that although all others may, he never would. There may be a touch more...


09/15/2010 08:24

Matthew (Part 36) - And It Was Night

Jesus has just completed his discussion with the disciples concerning the end of the age and his return. He has told them that when “the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne” (25:31) and say to his people “Come, you who are blessed by...


09/08/2010 09:19

Matthew (Part 35) - The Sky Will Light Up

Jesus has urged his disciples to flee Jerusalem when they see it surrounded by armies. And history tells us that the withdrawal of the first Roman siege in AD 66 did give Christians the opportunity to leave the city. In Matthew 24:20 Jesus tells them to pray that their flight may not be on a...


09/02/2010 10:18

Matthew (Part 34) - Get Out of Town!

The seventh and final woe of Jesus’ condemnation of the religious leaders holds a few puzzling points. Jesus recognizes the honor that the Pharisees give to past prophets in building and decorating tombs (memorials) to those prophets. But even while they do this, he notes their hypocrisy. They...


08/25/2010 09:09

Matthew (Part 33) - The Seven Woes

No more than a breath or two separates chapter 23 from the end of chapter 22. Jesus has silenced his detractors of the religious establishment by not only answering their questions in ways with which they could not argue back but also in asking a question of his own to which they could not, in...


08/18/2010 10:46

Matthew (Part 32) - Authority, Judgment, and Glory

The sequence of events so far in this final week of Jesus’ earthly life include the following:   Sunday – Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey colt in fulfillment of prophecy, identifying him as Messiah. It is late in the day, and Jesus looks around in the temple (Mark 11:11), probably...
